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  • Writer's picturedannflores57

Salmon Farming Culture.

Updated: Aug 30, 2018

Salmon farming, land-based, high-histidine functional feeding.

Welcome to your special post from our Hyde Creek Watershed Society for salmon enhancement of habitats and fisheries. D. A. Flores is an official member there in the catchment area of north Port Coquitlam, British Columbia here in Canada. He plans to present to them a proposal of formulating feeds fortified with functional amino acids, in this case, particularly, histidine touted to have growth-promoting properties projected for land-based feeds to be used in aquafarming, also a tantalizing venture for indigenous Nations peoples within British Columbia and in the rest of Canada.

D. A. Flores say, “Do you know that amino acids are being rediscovered lately as functional foods to be borrowed from human studies, including non-essential amino acids, which causes increased lean body mass gain, weight loss, which can be counterpointed with the fat accretion hormone Ghrelin with finishing livestock and produce benefits in behaviour with stress reduction, increased intake and even results in better sleep.”

D. A. Flores resides in the neighborhood of Port Coquitlam, BC Canada where he practices as a trade "biotechie" and who writes regularly on topics of interest in animal research with v. technologies covering animal feeding and nutrition, food, health and sustainability with bioenergy fuel generation.

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